There is no fixed way to write an outline for a nonfiction book. You can just type your random thoughts that are related to the subject of your book.
The point is to get as many ideas as possible on a sheet of paper or on the computer screen.
There are tons of books and blog posts about how to create an outline for a book. But you already know how to do it. There is nothing special about the process.
In this post, I will not talk about the detailed method of outlining. Just google “how to write an outline for a nonfiction book,” and you will get tons of results. Just read first three websites, then you’re good to go.
Instead of the outline technique, I will briefly share two outliner software that help you make an outline effectively.
The first one is Workflowy. The software has a minimalist interface and a beautiful zoom in feature that allows you to focus on each item of your outline. If you write on a smartphone frequently, I recommend Workflowy because it has the best mobile app among other competitors.
The second outline software is Checkvist. It is the one that I have been using for the last 10 years. Checkvist is the best option if you mostly write on a computer. The best thing about Checkvist is its keyboard based interface that allows you to write an outline quickly with no need to use a mouse. It is also a great tool to save your research as convenient links.
Regardless of your outline method, using any of these two software will boost the speed and efficiency of your outlining process.