In 2007 when Google Doc was announced to the public, online writing software was something people are not familiar with and not many people were using the software on a regular basis.
Fast-forward to 2013 and the landscape has dramatically changed. We are witnessing new types of online writing software for every year. New types of online writing programs are covering more and more types of writing including novel writing, simple text editing and even script writing.
What makes online writing software a good alternative to traditional desktop-based word processing software? Here are some major benefits of online writing programs.
+ you don’t need to install a new software
+ you can collaborate with other people on the same document
+ you are not tied up with a single device. You can use personal computers, smartphones, and tablets to work on the same document.
Below you can find a list of reviews of online writing software.
6. Quip (online collaborative writing software)
5. Draft (Intuitive version control and collaborative editing)
4. Simplenote (online writing software with fast and reliable sync)
3. Fetchnotes (online notes software)
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